ARBox is an augmented reality escape room in a box. Two to five players use their phones to see and solve puzzles that bridge the physical and magical worlds.


ARBox grew out of a desire to combine the immersive capabilities of augmented reality with the physicality of themed spaces and escape rooms. The phone is used to augment reality in three ways: by inserting information and interfaces into the world using image replacement and spatial modeling; by presenting a dynamic log of puzzles, instructions, and potential hints; and by acting as a companion character who drives a narrative experience that accompanies the puzzles. It mixes elements of immersive theater, LARP, escape rooms, augmented reality, and board games to create a unique social puzzle-solving experience.

ARBox originated as an entry into a Google-sponsored AR game jam in the fall of 2018, developed in collaboration with Martzi Campos and Jesse Vigil. That original AR escape room was shown at the 2018 IndieCade Festival. It was then developed further, creating a new narrative and several additional technology integrations, and shown as part of Google's booth in the 2019 GDC Expo Hall. The final revision was featured at the IndieCade E3 Showcase, and selected as a finalist at the IndieCade Festival in both Los Angeles and Paris in 2019.



Sean Bloom
Jesse Vigil
Martzi Campos